Thursday, September 27, 2007

Costa Rica Video

This is long overdue; however, I only finished it about a week ago. There were some problem with the movie and it took me a while to getting around to fixing them. This movie is by no means perfect, but I hope you enjoy it.

There is actually one part where you are supposed to laugh; however, no one in my family got it--they don't have the sophisticated humor I hope you do.

Anyway, this is a compilation of our trip down to Costa Rica. Special thanks to Grandma and Grandpa for helping us get down there.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Blog Hiatus

Ok, I think I finished my blog Hiatus. Sorry for being gone for so long--I hope I haven't lost all my devoted fans. Hopefully I will be posting a few more things in the future--oh by the way, my Costa Rica video is done and I need to upload it.

For your reward in coming back to my blog, I have included the following video. I hope you can understand the words--it is a foreign work. ;)