Monday, October 23, 2006

Public Transportation

I have been riding the bus to work for about 2 months now and I have enjoyed it immensely. Public transportation is a good thing--saves gas, saves the environment, and I read much more than I did before. It is strange the energy crisis debate never includes public transportation as a way to reduce our energy consumption. Everyone should use public transportation when possible; however, GRTC does not have enough routes to make it feasible outside of work. To make it worse, they just raised the express route to $1.75 per ticket. Ouch. At least I can deduct them from my paycheck pre-tax.

I do enjoy riding the bus; however, today was a mess!! I walk about 4 blocks to the bus stop when I leave work. Today I left at 4:45 and the bus would leave me 4 blocks from my house at about 5:10. It was about 50 degrees outside and luckily I had a long sleeve shirt on. The bus did not come, and after a while I thought I had a missed it. But, the next bus didn't show up either. Later I find out there was a major accident on the freeway and all the buses are backed up. I decided to try another bus and had to walk to another stop. At 6:00pm, I get to the stop only to find the second bus doesn't get there for another 20 minutes; however, the first bus magically appears. Because of the temperature outside, I get on--and I sit. Traffic was a a standstill. I felt like I was in New York!! About 6:40, the traffic suddenly clears and the bus gets me to my final stop just before 7pm. Thank goodness I don't have homework.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love everything!