Thursday, November 02, 2006

Little Laine

My little girl has a broken collar bone!! Yesterday--under my watch no less--Elaine fell off the couch. She was crying a little harder than usual, but looked ok. Emily, the family nurse, was very concerned and checked her out and noticed she had limited mobility in her arms. She thought it as a concussion at first; however, Elaine calmed down and seemed quite content. She slept for a little while--which made her mom nervous--and them seemed quite normal. I gave her a blessing last night and Emily took her to the doctor this morning, the doctor wanted X-rays, and it appears she has a broken collar bone; however, it is of the type that there is not much we can do about it. She probably won't even were any type of cast or protection. Emily treated her to lunch at McDonald's and that seemed to put a smile on her face.

Yes, that is a Redskins hat she is wearing. :)

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