Tuesday, November 14, 2006


The North Airport Drive Civic Association, of which I am a member, is being sued with a slapp (Strategic lawsuit against public participation) lawsuit. In November of last year, the association made a presentation to the board of supervisors arguing why they (the citizens) did not want a high density development project in their neighborhood. The also presented a 100 person signed petition with others who supported their argument. The board, led the the Varina supervisor Jim Donati, denied the rezoning request; however, two months later the developer filed a suit against two of the association members and the association itself for the $1.5 million dollars it supposedly would have made had the rezoning effort been approved.
What I have learned is this lawsuits is intended to chill free speech. The lawsuit asserts the petition presented to the board had been fabricated and the the association is a bunch of liars. It appears the intent is to bog down small civic groups like NADCA with the cost, effort, and emotional drain of a lawsuit in the hopes it will be unable to support the financial burden and collapse--thus ending any organized opposition to their development plans.
Originally we thought the lawsuit would be dismissed; however, to our absolute astonishment, the judge allowed the case to go to trial. What's more is the trial is not until May, thus prolonging the time this heavy burden must weigh on the association.
I am cautiously optimistic the association will survive this and continue to provide an organized voice in Highland Springs.

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