Wednesday, February 07, 2007

72 Hours

Saturday I went to listen to Jim Gilmore, a former Virginia Governor and Presidential hopeful, speak on his current exploration of presidential waters. As Governor, Jim served as chairman of the homeland security committee--something unheard of when he was appointed by President Clinton in 1999. He chaired that committee for 5 years; the 216 page report was delivered to President Bush on September 1, 2001. Needless to say, his major focal point is homeland security.

Asked what more we could do on the homeland security front, he responded by saying we should prepare for the first 72 hours. (I am paraphrasing here) The first 72 hours he said are the most critical; however, they will also be very lonely. His opinion was that every American should be prepared to sustain themselves for the first 72 hours after the emergency. Government would never be equipped to assist sooner and in the case of huge disaster local assistance would be little better off. Personal Preparedness must be part of the national conversation.

His response buoyed my testimony. The latter-day prophets have echo his comments for some time, and here a presidential hopeful was pushing the idea as a matter of public policy.

Now, I just need to find my 72 hour kit--I know I left it somewhere . . .


nAnnie Laurie said...

You've got the best sense of humor - I love to read your blogs just for the witty endings - and I've got to find our 72 hr kits, too! By the way, yours are in the spare bedroom closet :)

Unknown said...

You've been tagged.. check my blog.