Monday, December 25, 2006

Conservation efforts in Asia

One of the most popular dishes in Asia is shark fin soup. While I never felt the urge to try it, and am glad I did not, many people find it enjoyable. While visiting the zoo I found the methods for obtaining the fins for the sharks deplorable. Sharks are captured and then the fins(dorsal and tail) are cut off and kept, while the shark is dumped back in the ocean to bleed to death. I do not know how many bowls of soup is made from one fin; however, I am sure it not too many as the shark population has decreased dramatically from the practice.
Governments have taken steps to abolish the practice; however, there are so many 'local' fisherman it is virtually impossible to stop all of it. Public relations campaigns have pushed for individuals to avoid consuming the dish to help stop the killing of sharks.
Please consider your choices of food when visiting Asia.

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