Sunday, December 24, 2006

Durian--Asia's fruit gem

There are a handful of fruits found in Asia that are not found in the USA. Durian is probably the most popular and as I mentioned it has such a strong smell you are not permitted to eat it inside. It is large and shelled like a pineapple, but has a much harder shell and has spikes. The fruit sellers actually wear gloves while opening it up. Once open the fruit is almost a slimy goo with a seed around each section. In a large fruit there can be as many as 12 or 14 seeds. There are several different kinds of fruit, but I can hardly taste the difference.

Miriam is eating a Mangosteen and the fruit on the bottom right is an opened Durian. You can actually eat them right at the stand where they are sold.

1 comment:

Olivia Heilmann said...

Carlos! I have enjoyed checking yours and Emily's blog every day. They are both so much fun. I hope you had a marvelous Christmas.